Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Family Fun Night - March

Last night (Tuesday) was Valley West Mall's monthly FAMILY FUN NIGHT! Whenever we can we try to go since the boys LOVE it!! Every month they have different characters visiting... and this time we got lucky enough to see THE CAT IN THE HAT!! :) Parker and Owen were SO excited!! They got their faces painted, got to ride the train (for free), got a craft kit to do at home for Easter and of course played on all of the toys! It's always a good time... and I was excited because I didn't have to cook! :)

Unfortunately we forgot (ok NICK forgot - and was in trouble with me) our camera so I had to use my cell phone... so the pictures are not the best quality... but at least we got a few, right? :)

Painted faces... Parker was Black Spiderman and Owen was Red Spiderman!

Meeting Clifford and the Cat in the Hat...

The train ride...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mommy - Owen Day at the Park

Monday the 29th was our weekly "Mommy-Owen" day! Owen LOVES to have me all to himself, so this is a super fun day for him. I usually let him select one thing to do during the day and if my "to-do" list isn't too long he gets to choose more! This week he wanted to get lunch and take it to the park... so that is what we did! We grabbed Wendy's and went to our favorite BLUE park! We went in the morning, so it was still a little chilly... but it was still a great time! Owen met a little boy named Brady there who was the same age so they had fun playing while Brady's mom and I chatted! :) Here are a few pictures of our "Special" day! :)



Monday, March 29, 2010

38-1/2 Weeks...

I am 38-1/2 weeks already! Time is just flying by and we are trying to squeeze in all that we can before our little one gets here! I had my 38 week appointment on Friday and all is well... Nick was even able to come with me! :) The baby is head down and ready for his journey! I am only dilated between a 1-2 still and have gained 19lbs. - - that was my total weight gain with Owen! I have been having random contractions since last Friday so my OB says anytime! :) We will be sure to let everyone know when the BIG DAY arrives! :)

I will try to add a pic this week to for this post... although I am feeling HUGE at this point! Uggh!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Visit from Nina Wilson...

This weekend Nina Wilson came to visit! She hasn't been to visit in quite awhile since she was sick for over a month! We were all excited to see her this weekend! We spent Friday night at the waterpark (pics to come) and then the rest of the weekend at home! Here are a couple pictures from our time at home! :)


My brother, Matt was over visiting today... and took a picture of Owen eating his FAVORITE snack - - YOGURT! He would eat this multiple times a day if I would let him! :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Our Spring Break Fun...

Last week Parker was off of school for Spring Break so we took a few days and had some FUN! :) I had daycare 2 days so we spent both of the days doing outings... we went to Pump it Up on Tuesday (they have tons of inflatable toys to play on) and then on Wednesday we went to Backyard Adventures (they have an indoor swingset play area) to play and then a stop at McDonalds for lunch! The rest of the week the boys and I spent hanging out and playing outside! It was a GREAT week!!! :) I was sad to have Parker go back to school on Monday, but he was excited to get back!! :) - - Owen on the other hand would have taken a few more weeks off if he could have!! hehehe!

Pump It Up...

Backyard Adventures...

There are more photos of the boys with their daycare friends on my daycare blog too!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Springtime Fun...

We have been taking advantage of the nice weather and spending most of our afternoons and evenings outside! Nick put all of the swings back out on the swingset... so we are READY for it to STAY SPRING!! :)

It's also been so nice to get to see our neighbors again! :) - - we all hibernate in the winter... so its several months before we all get to hang out again! :) The boys picked up with their neighbor friends right where they left off... playing football, riding bikes, etc. Loving the fresh air!! :)

Just a couple of pics to share - - there are more of the boys with the daycare kiddos on my daycare blog.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Springtime Fun...

We have been enjoying the spring weather... spending most days and evenings outside! It's great getting to see our neighbors again... we all hibernate in the winter months!!! Here are the boys having fun with sidewalk chalk this week! :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Waukee Elementary Family Fun Night

A few weeks ago Waukee Elementary had their FAMILY FUN NIGHT for their students! We invited Nina and Papa Hamann and Aunt Kim, Uncle Dan, Caroline and Grace to come along with us! The kids had a fun time with the games, blow up toys, etc. Both Owen and Parker won lots of little toys from the games and then at the end Parker won a raffle prize!! He was SOOOO EXCITED!! He got a basket of art supplies! - - right up his alley! :)

I unfortunately forgot to take my camera, but they were taking pictures of the kids and gave us a website to get a copy... so here is our copy! :) - - Owen was not happy about being the girl!! :)

Thanks everyone for coming along... it was a fun night! :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kitchen Remodel Project

What started out as a simple tiling project... turned into a MAJOR, time consuming project (which is nothing new at our house)!! Don and Jane came for the weekend (Feb 26th-28th) and Don and Nick spent all day Saturday putting up the tile in our kitchen. They did a GREAT job!!

We had originally picked a smaller tile that was multi-colored and decided it was too busy for our kitchen... so we went back and picked out a larger natural stone tile and I couldn't find what I wanted for my glass tile accent so I ended up piecing what I liked together -- a rectangular tile set with brown/beige/tan and then I added black square glass to it. Nick and I grouted the tile on Sunday night (Feb 28th)... during the next day or two we worked on cleaning and sealing the tile... and Nick decided he wanted under the cabinet lighting... so he started that project too! We bought all of the supplies and the work began.

Ross came to help Saturday night (the 6th of March now) and they got all of the under cabinet lighting installed.... but then.... Nick decided ABOVE the cabinet lighting would add SO MUCH MORE.... and off to Home Depot they went! By the end of the night it was looking GREAT.... UNTIL... we realized we had not even thought about the cabinets above the fridge.... so Sunday after church back to Home Depot Nick went! :) Late Sunday afternoon Ross came back to help again! Ross caulked the bottom of the tile for us and helped Nick finish up the lighting and by Sunday evening our kitchen was............ DONE!! YIPPEE!!!

It turned out GREAT... I am so happy with it! Who would have thought backsplash and lighting would change a space so much! Nick, Don and Ross did a GREAT job... THANK YOU guys!!

Here's a look at the work in progress...

They even had a little helper!! :)

The finished project...
(excuse the mess... I just wanted the pictures so I could say it was done!! hehehe!)