Friday, March 26, 2010

Our Spring Break Fun...

Last week Parker was off of school for Spring Break so we took a few days and had some FUN! :) I had daycare 2 days so we spent both of the days doing outings... we went to Pump it Up on Tuesday (they have tons of inflatable toys to play on) and then on Wednesday we went to Backyard Adventures (they have an indoor swingset play area) to play and then a stop at McDonalds for lunch! The rest of the week the boys and I spent hanging out and playing outside! It was a GREAT week!!! :) I was sad to have Parker go back to school on Monday, but he was excited to get back!! :) - - Owen on the other hand would have taken a few more weeks off if he could have!! hehehe!

Pump It Up...

Backyard Adventures...

There are more photos of the boys with their daycare friends on my daycare blog too!

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