Monday, March 29, 2010

38-1/2 Weeks...

I am 38-1/2 weeks already! Time is just flying by and we are trying to squeeze in all that we can before our little one gets here! I had my 38 week appointment on Friday and all is well... Nick was even able to come with me! :) The baby is head down and ready for his journey! I am only dilated between a 1-2 still and have gained 19lbs. - - that was my total weight gain with Owen! I have been having random contractions since last Friday so my OB says anytime! :) We will be sure to let everyone know when the BIG DAY arrives! :)

I will try to add a pic this week to for this post... although I am feeling HUGE at this point! Uggh!

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

You look great :) So excited to meet him