Wednesday, June 20, 2012

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ME (June 13th)... and all my Blessings!

I have been BEYOND blessed during this surgery and recovery Jodi and Kathi planned a little birthday party for me in 'MY BEDROOM' since I am still bed bound!! :) I had several friends here to help me celebrate!! It was so nice.... not birthday party nice, but stuck in bed lucky to have such great friends nice!! ;) They brought angel food cake, cool whip and berries and it was delicious! :)

The BIRTHDAY celebration isn't all.... all thru this recovery I have been so blessed to have FOOD delivered, FRIENDS stop by for visits (I wish I would have gotten more pics of my visitors :( ), calls, texts and so on! We are sooo grateful for all of the love and kindness we have received! We have some of the BEST friends!!! THANK YOU all!!!

One night... I was lucky enough to have these 2 people stop by for a visit...

and as you can see they kind of liked my birthday gift from Becky... lavendar smelling eye shades!! ;) They look AWFULLY CUTE in them!! ... sorry guys... these are for me!! :)

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