Monday, December 31, 2012

Parker's NEW Room...

Our FOOTBALL fanatic of course wanted his room to be FOOTBALL (with a little bit of basketball)!! :) Instead of one team tho.... he decided to go NFC teams of the NFL... so he can have several of the teams he likes!!! The BEARS are still #1 in his book though! :) Here are some before and after pictures!

(there was a 1/2 bathroom in his room that we removed... and wallpaper on the ceiling - ugh!)


Owen's NEW Room...

Our former PACKERS fan... has now switched to a baseball room!! ;) This was our dramatic switch!! ha! He had a Packers room... and now likes the Bears! --- so we switched to NO SPECIFIC TEAM... and got him new bedding (sheets with all of the MLB teams) and some general baseball decor! :)  He has already told me once that he doesn't like baseball now... ha! He really does... just my little indecisive boy! ;)

(sorry can't find any other before pics???)


Once it was all decorated.... he was a HAPPY boy!! :)

Drew's NEW Room...

For Christmas Drew got lots of decor and new bedding for his 'big boy' room! So I will show you some 'before' and 'after' pictures of his NEW space!! :)

The room...

 The closet...


The room...

The closet...

We are VERY pleased with how it all turned out... the closet especially since it was so dark and dingy before!!! :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Iowa City

We were so excited to get to see our cousins and family this weekend!! We went to Iowa City to meet up with everyone... Grandma & Grandpa Wilson, Uncle Merlin and Aunt Debbie, Aunt Marlene, Tanya and Wesley and Tasha and Chad!! With family all over the U.S. now... it's nice when it works out for us all to get together!!! --- THANK YOU for making the trip everyone!! :) -- so bummed that I didn't think to take pictures... I was too busy enjoying my family!!

We went a day early so the boys got some swimming time in at the hotel...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day at the Hamann's

It is a yearly tradition to go to Nina and Papa Hamann's house on Christmas morning and have cinnamon rolls for breakfast!!! So after the boys opened presents at our house we all loaded up and headed to the Hamann's! :) This year Nina and Papa even had BACON (all of my boys' FAVORITE) so they were pretty excited!!!

After breakfast on to presents...
Nina and Papa always pick out the BEST presents... and the boys always LOVE all of them!! :) 


Owen got his remote helicopter he has been asking for for MONTHS!!! :) 

AND... A NEW BIKE!!! WOOHOO!! We had one excited boy here!!! :)

After presents we had our Christmas dinner... and it was AMAZING!!! Nina did prime rib this year... and it was so good! After dinner she made a homemade icecream cake which was delicious as well!! We all visited and played for a bit until Parker begged to go home and get started on all of his new Legos that he got from Nina and Papa!!! I am happy to report... they are all put together!!! :) He LOVES legos!! :)

THANK YOU for all of the wonderful gifts... we hope everyone had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Christmas Morning...

Well Santa must have thought the Hamann boys weren't too bad this year... because he paid us a visit!! :)

Opening presents...

Santa brought Drew his LIGHTENING MCQUEEN POTTY... and he wanted to try it out IMMEDIATELY!! :)  LOL!!! He will NOT be happy with me years from now for posting this picture!! :)

Parker handing out gifts (oops... not a great pic)

On 12-12-12 our NEW puppy was born!! :) isn't he ADORABLE!!! For Christmas this year our boys got a piece of paper with 4 pictures on it of a litter of puppies! They have been wanting a puppy for a LONG time... and we finally found the perfect one!! We will actually get to bring our puppy home in early February... and we can't wait!!!!! 
I found this on Pinterest... and LOVE IT!!!

And.... the aftermath!!


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas with the Wilson side at our house this year!! Mom and I prepared the meal (which was DELICIOUS I might add)!! We had turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy, corn casserole, green bean casserole, fluff and then peach or pumpkin pie for dessert! It was a FEAST! :) I have not cooked a turkey since 1999 when I had my first ever Thanksgiving dinner in my apartment in Ida Grove!! :) I am a MUCH better cook now!! ;)

Our turkey...

Some more goodies... 

What a WONDERFUL Christmas celebration! The boys were spoiled... and the rest of us didn't do too bad either!! :) I LOVE Christmas time... to see their little faces light up is priceless!!

My PINTEREST craft for my Mom! :)

Oh Drew... he got the party started early... he is a little impatient! ;) --- and now sleeps with this book every night too!! ha!! :) Oh the little things!! :)

Owen was ALL SMILES all day!! ;) This boy LOVES getting presents!! :)

Parker got a new BEARS sweatshirt and pajama pants... so he was a HAPPY boy!!

Uncle Bubba got a FAMILY gift this year instead of individual gifts.... and the boys got to open it!!

An IPOD TOUCH!! :) THANK YOU BUBBA!!! Nick got one 2 years ago from my Mom... so now when we go on trips... the older two boys can each play one! :)  What a GREAT gift!!!

Nina Wilson got the boys new winter coats for Christmas!!! THANK YOU NINA!!! Their old ones were falling apart!! ;)

Owen is always ready to help open presents... he doesn't even care if they are his!! ;) He helped Nina with a few!! :)

Uncle Bubba!!

Nick got a BEARS sweatshirt too...

 After dinner we went to church for their Christmas Eve service...

This year I decided to start a new tradition for our family! I got new pajamas for everyone to wear Christmas Eve night and then when we wake up we will all be coordinating for Christmas pictures!! :)

Milk and cookies for Santa!!!

Our tree all lit up on Christmas Eve...