Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas with the Wilson side at our house this year!! Mom and I prepared the meal (which was DELICIOUS I might add)!! We had turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy, corn casserole, green bean casserole, fluff and then peach or pumpkin pie for dessert! It was a FEAST! :) I have not cooked a turkey since 1999 when I had my first ever Thanksgiving dinner in my apartment in Ida Grove!! :) I am a MUCH better cook now!! ;)

Our turkey...

Some more goodies... 

What a WONDERFUL Christmas celebration! The boys were spoiled... and the rest of us didn't do too bad either!! :) I LOVE Christmas time... to see their little faces light up is priceless!!

My PINTEREST craft for my Mom! :)

Oh Drew... he got the party started early... he is a little impatient! ;) --- and now sleeps with this book every night too!! ha!! :) Oh the little things!! :)

Owen was ALL SMILES all day!! ;) This boy LOVES getting presents!! :)

Parker got a new BEARS sweatshirt and pajama pants... so he was a HAPPY boy!!

Uncle Bubba got a FAMILY gift this year instead of individual gifts.... and the boys got to open it!!

An IPOD TOUCH!! :) THANK YOU BUBBA!!! Nick got one 2 years ago from my Mom... so now when we go on trips... the older two boys can each play one! :)  What a GREAT gift!!!

Nina Wilson got the boys new winter coats for Christmas!!! THANK YOU NINA!!! Their old ones were falling apart!! ;)

Owen is always ready to help open presents... he doesn't even care if they are his!! ;) He helped Nina with a few!! :)

Uncle Bubba!!

Nick got a BEARS sweatshirt too...

 After dinner we went to church for their Christmas Eve service...

This year I decided to start a new tradition for our family! I got new pajamas for everyone to wear Christmas Eve night and then when we wake up we will all be coordinating for Christmas pictures!! :)

Milk and cookies for Santa!!!

Our tree all lit up on Christmas Eve...

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