Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Morning...

Well Santa must have thought the Hamann boys weren't too bad this year... because he paid us a visit!! :)

Opening presents...

Santa brought Drew his LIGHTENING MCQUEEN POTTY... and he wanted to try it out IMMEDIATELY!! :)  LOL!!! He will NOT be happy with me years from now for posting this picture!! :)

Parker handing out gifts (oops... not a great pic)

On 12-12-12 our NEW puppy was born!! :) isn't he ADORABLE!!! For Christmas this year our boys got a piece of paper with 4 pictures on it of a litter of puppies! They have been wanting a puppy for a LONG time... and we finally found the perfect one!! We will actually get to bring our puppy home in early February... and we can't wait!!!!! 
I found this on Pinterest... and LOVE IT!!!

And.... the aftermath!!


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