Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Family Fun Night - March 2008

What a BEAUTIFUL day!!! We went on a walk today with our daycare friends and also did sidewalk chalk... it was soooo nice and the kids had a blast being outside!!! - I can't wait for summer!!! :)

Tonight we took the boys to Family Fun Night again at the mall... it is always a good time, and best of all it's FREE!!!! The characters there tonight were BLUE (from Blue's Clues) and HELLO KITTY. - the boys were so excited to see BLUE... they both ran right up to him to give him a hug... and we don't even watch BLUE'S CLUES - - we have a couple of books and he is on 1 video we have?!?!?! - but apparently he was worthy of their love!!! :)

I had to start with this first picture of Owen... for those of you who know little Owen, you would agree that this look TOTALLY fits his personality!!!! - hehe! (so ornery!)

The boys giving BLUE a BIG HUG!!!!
Parker had a blast... Owen still didn't want to go on anything and just watch Parker... but he got just as excited as Parker!!! - Owen had more fun with his balloon!!
Parker got to get his face painted too... he wanted to be BATMAN, so they did a BATMAN mask! He LOVED it... and had to look in the mirror quite awhile before we could do bathtime! - hehe he is so funny!!!

And finally... I tried to get a good photo of the boys together, but this is as good as it gets! We enjoyed pretzel sticks from Auntie Annies afterwards... YUMMY! :)


Mere and Jonny said...

How cute :) Owen looks soo much like you in these pics. I can't wait to see the boys Friday night!

Candi Ladwig said...

I wish we had these family nights... looks like you guys have so much fun!!!