Sunday, March 23, 2008


We had a busy Easter weekend!!! The boys, Uncle Matt and I went back to Ida Grove on Thursday morning for me to work at the tax office during our spring break (we had the whole week off!! :)). The boys got to go stay with Nina and Papa Hamann Thursday and Friday (THANK YOU!!!!). They had lots of fun playing with Nina and Papa and getting to go to the park with Nina and Aunt Tricia and the Ladwig cousins! Sorry Nina that Owen had a tough time!!! :(
I am sure it was very fun for him anyways, and I know Parker had a GREAT time!!!
Then Nick came to Ida Grove on Friday night with Dan, Kim and the girls! We went over to spend time with the Hamann's Friday night after I got off work.

Then on Saturday morning we went to Moorehead Park for the annual Easter Egg Hunt! We had a great time!!! Owen was busy as usual and was ready to start the hunt as soon as we arrived. Parker on the hand was mad that lots of kids started before they were supposed to, resulting in him only getting 6 eggs! Last year Parker did MUCH better!! Owen got 5 or 6 eggs as well, and had a blast doing it! He knocked another kid down (by accident!) and fell himself a few times, but all in all he had a blast!

Parker was being grumpy and did not want to meet the Easter Bunny, but Owen (who usually doesn't like costumed adults) ran right up to him and hugged him and gave him 5! He even let the Easter Bunny hold him, so I had to get a of picture!!!

After the hunt I had to go back to the tax office to work and the boys and Nick headed over to the Hamann's for Easter dinner. The boys got to open their Easter baskets and scored big time... they got new shirts, pj's, candy, books, etc. The favorite gifts were: Owen - Pablo (from the BackYardigans) and Parker - SCOOBY DOO V-Smile game! THANK YOU for all of the GREAT gifts!!! Sorry I had to miss the festivities... hopefully next year Easter will be later!!

After nap, we had a little Easter celebration with Nina Wilson (who had been sick all weekend with the flu!). The boys got lots of clothes, candy, pj's, puzzles, books, and hats. Their favorites were: Owen - the jelly beans!! hehe!! and the SANDALS!!! (this boy LOVES shoes!) ... well, the noisy books too! He loved it all! Parker - he loved the puzzles! We put one together today... they are very cute and have a story to go along with them, THANK YOU, Nina Wilson!!! We hope you get feeling better soon!!! Get lots of rest and take care of yourself!

THANK YOU Aunt Tricia for the Bunny Kisses too!!! VERY CUTE!!! :)

We came back to Waukee on Saturday night and went to our church's Easter services today... this was our FIRST Easter at our own church and it was very nice... the service was EXCELLENT! :)

After church, the boys opened their Easter baskets from us and then we went out to get groceries and meet Uncle Matt and Aunt Nonna for lunch at Perkins. THANKS for joining us Matt and Nonna!

THANK YOU to EVERYONE!!! What a fun Easter! :)

- Nina and Papa Hamann, Nick didn't get any photos of the two of you or the Edsens, so if you have some, I would love some copies!!! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like a great Easter! :)

Mere and Jonny said...

Lori - Love the pics of the boys and Owen and the bunny is my favorite :)We'll see you Friday night for the big "babysitting" night :) Can't wait!! Also, can't wait to see the new truck!

Candi Ladwig said...

Your boys are getting so big!! And Mr. Owen's facial expressions are just too cute!! Glad you had a great Easter!! (doesn't it almost seem like a 2nd Christmas these days??!!)