Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mall Fun!

Sorry it has been awhile since my last post... I have been sick since Friday night... we left to go to Ida Grove for the weekend and turned around and came back on Saturday since I was so sick! I haven't been able to have daycare all week yet... yesterday was my first attempt out of bed! Aghh... it has not been fun!! Nick has been great and has stayed home from work the last 2 days to help with the boys... who both have fevers now too. Hopefully we will all be feeling better soon.

Before all of the sickness... we had a fun playdate with Aunt Kim and the girls (Caroline and Grace)! :) We went to the mall and then out to lunch! Everyone did GREAT... except Owen had a rough time... he was over tired and hungry, so not a good combo! But once we got to the "lunch" part of the date, he was great!!! :) Here are some random photos of the kids... and one of Kim too!! :) - - - my favorite is of Caroline with her hands up in the air... her tongue is hanging out too!! :)


Christi said...

Looks like fun.... I loved our Fridays together!

tricia said...

Glad that the four cousins live close enough together to get to spend time together---that time goes so fast--Nick & Ross use to have a "blast" together--where did the time go?!?!

The Hamann Family said...

I know, Tricia!!! I can't believe that Parker is 4, Owen almost2 and the girls are already a year!!! It doesn't seem right!!! We had a fun time getting to go out together!!