Monday, October 13, 2008


It is broke! Our poor Little Parker! We got the call around 12 noon from his pediatrician confirming that he had broken his humorous (sp??) bone... the long one on the upper arm. She sent us to the orthopedic doctor to review the x-ray and he had to get a cast put on! It is a fiberglass cast and it was pretty cool and easy to put on! He has to wear it for a month and then come back to get it off and get more x-rays.
Of course the cast is YELLOW (VERY BRIGHT YELLOW), Parker's favorite color! :)

His first signature... he needed BATMAN on it! :) hehe! ... and Robin! And of course I had to sign it! :)


Alicia said...

Oh my little buddy!!! You give him hugs from us and tell him we will see him tomorrow!!!

He is a *tad* accident prone, but you know, kids will be kids.

Mere and Jonny said...

Thats to bad. Sorry Parker!! Hope the month goes by fast for you! ie: Baths won't be too fun now :(
Well get feeling better and let us know how he is doing!

Anonymous said...

What a bummer! Hope you get well soon Parker!

Unknown said...

Poor little Parker
Nina saw your cast. I love the color!!!
Nina is looking forward to seeing both of her little men this w/e.
Love you. Nina Wilson

Jodi Lansink said...

Poor little man! Love the bright yellow cast!!! Now the rest of the family better take it easy--no more ER visits!!!