Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall Update...

Have I mentioned that I LOVE fall??? :) I mean REALLY LOVE fall???

The kids have been doing fall coloring sheets, paints, crafts, and spending LOTS of time outside with the GREAT weather!! They all seem to LOVE the little foam sticky crafts so we do lots of those... I found TONS of Halloween ones at Dollar Tree, so of course I had to get them!! :) - here is a photo of Parker's art work! (he likes to have order on his page!)

Then of course we have been enjoying some of my/our favorite fall treats... Candi's Halloween treats have become a NEW favorite for us (as seen in an earlier post)! We made some today for us!!! They turned out great and are so YUMMY!!! :) Thanks again Candi for a NEW holiday treat idea! - - and who doesn't LOVE candy corn and dry roasted peanuts??? -- mmmmm!

I am still enjoying all of the smells of fall... the candles, the windows open with fresh air flowing in... and on and on. :)

Tonight me (Lori) and a couple of friends (Laci and Nicole) started walking (we missed you Christi - hopefully you can join us tomorrow night)!! It was so nice to get out and get some much needed exercise and enjoy the fresh air! - - not to mention the great company! :) - - It just reminds me of how much I love this time of year! Hopefully we do well at walking... we are hoping to make it a nightly routine once the kids are in bed (we're aiming for 5 times a week)! - Wish us LUCK!!

Then... our "NEW" door decor (again)! :) Jodi is the new owner of my other jack-o-lantern! :)

Ohhh... I forgot to mention our misfortune yesterday!! Our freezer (the one attached to our refrigerator) stopped working... and after having a repair man here to look at it (who I might add wasn't too talkative or overly friendly - - maybe he thought it was CRAZY at my house since I had 5 kids here and a dog!! - hehe), he informed me that it was the motor AND the computer!!! Aghhh! $300 later the frozen goods were on their way to being frozen again! - thankfully we have a deep freeze so we only had to throw out a few things!


1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

I have the same glass pumpkin with the same "fall mixture" on my kitchen table!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I add some m&m's to mine!

I am with you----FALL is by far my favorite time of the year!!!!