Thursday, October 30, 2008


Here is a look of our "BUSY" week...

Today is my granparents' 60th Wedding Anniversary!!! 60 YEARS!!! WOW... I am so happy to be able to celebrate this milestone with them... we are heading to Keokuk to see them tomorrow!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Grandma & Grandpa!!! WE LOVE YOU and can't wait to come visit!!! :)
We played lots of Hide-N-Seek this week and Owen's new favorite place....

You guessed it... THE DRYER!!! hehehe! He loves it in there!! :) Unfortunate for him we always know where to find him now!!! He's a tricky hider!! hehe!

We had a great time this week making Halloween treats... and everyone got to help! We made the fun Halloween treats that Candi taught us how to make, rice crispy bars with halloween sprinkles and frosted sugar cookies that we decorated! (THANKS Candi for letting us use your Pamperd Chef decorator bottles - they worked GREAT)

There can't be a holiday at our house without doing crafts!!! We did lots of Halloween color pages each day and also made tissue paper pumkins. Unfortunately we ran out of time for our "ghost FEET" - my friend Julie gave us the idea to dip the kids' feet in white paint and put it on paper... you use the heel as the head and the toes as the bottom of the ghost - SUPER CUTE, just not enought time in our week!
My pumpkin (the look we were trying for...) is the first one... Parker's is the second and Owen's is the third...

Since Nina Hamann sent Parker a card when he hurt his arm, he wanted to send Nina one!!!) - - melts my heart!!! Parker is such a caring little boy!!! It is pretty sweet.
This was it... nothing else! :) Not even his name! We addressed the envelop to NINA HAMANN and the return address was PARKER with our address and Parker placed a stamp on it and then we went to the post office and Parker put it in the mailbox!!! This was ALL HIS IDEA... and I loved every minute of it!! :) I obviously helped him spell the words, but he would just ask me which letter was next and he would write it!!! SUPER CUTE!! :)

The weather was GREAT this week (minus the WINDSTORM days)!! But, we did have a couple of beautiful days where we got to play outside!!! Here is a glimpse of some of our fun!

Tonight was Begger's Night in Waukee! We had a GREAT night and got tons of candy and goodies too! We went Trick-or-Treating with Brad & Nicole and the kids and Mike & Olivia and their kids! The kids did great and had a really good time! We even met up with Ross & Christi and their kids... here are a few photos of all of the kids (minus Kelton and Owen - Owen wouldn't come over and I am not sure where Kelton was)!

Above front... Courtney (Telletubie), Ben (was a zebra), Cooper (lightening McQueen), Parker (Batman), Kiera (Fancy Nancy), Lilly (was Snow White). Standing... Kya (Snow White) and Kaden (football player).

Kelton was Cat in the Hat and Owen was Robin.

What a fun time!! :) Thanks for spending the evening with us everyone! :)

After Trick-or-Treating we had to make our "SPECIAL" trip over to see Alicia & Brenton first and then on to Mere and Jonny's (which Mere & Jonny's has been an annual visit for 3 years)!! The boys got special goodies and LOTS of treats!!! They were spoiled as usual!!! THANK YOU guys for being so sweet to the boys!!! :) They LOVE it!! :)... and so do we! You guys are such great friends!!!
Here are the boys with the "FANGS" Alicia & Brenton gave them!!! - - what a hit these were!!! hehe!!!


Alicia said...

I am laughing so hard right now, there are tears rolling down my cheeks.... The fangs have me crackin' UP!!! You would think I wasn't here when they were wearing them or something! I LOVE IT!! Thanks for stopping by with them... we LOVE to see you guys!!!!

Happy Halloween!!

Mere and Jonny said...

I love that Owen can fit in the dryer! Oh my gosh! how funny!!!

Thanks for stopping by our house for Halloween :) I haven't had time to post my pics but I will of the boys!! I can't believe you have been doing that for 3 years :) Aunt Mere and Uncle Jonny are lucky!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Cute pics! Love that Owen hides in the dryer! That is funny!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

Wow, what a fun Halloween! Parker doesn't even look like Parker with those fangs!

Love all of your arts and crafts! The cookies turned out super cute! Maybe we can do Christmas cookies together :)