Sunday, October 12, 2008

Look Familiar???

Can you say... ACCIDENT PRONE???

I am pretty sure we are beginning to look like abusive parents! Parker has yet again hurt his elbow! The right one this time! He wanted to show me him doing the monkey bars again and he let go and landed on his elbow! Arghhh... off to the walk-in clinic we went! With a scraped eye (from the pumkin patch yesterday) and the elbow... I am sure the nurses and doctor are a little worried!!!
After spending our entire Sunday afternoon in the clinic the doctor concluded that the x-ray needed to be looked at by an x-ray tech tomorrow morning! He said Parker's elbow was too inflammed to be able to tell for sure whether or not it is broken!?!?! Ohhhh that poor boy! He seems to get hurt a lot... and mostly because he wants to be so BIG... Everything he does he says, "Mom look, aren't I big?" I told him today that "you are big... but you need to stop trying to be bigger! You will grow 'BIG' fast enough.. so slow down and be 4-1/2 now."
I will post once we have heard back from the doctor tomorrow. - - Poor little thing is just resting and watching movies now... he isn't allowed on the monkey bars until he is 5! :) Wish him luck!
- - - Sorry for so many posts... I have actually had lots to share this week!!! :)


Alicia said...

OH NO!! Our little buddy is hurt yet again!!! You tell him that we are thinking about him!! We WILL be over to see you all this week.. you just tell me the night!!!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

He sure is accident prone huh?!?! I think a typical little boy! Poor thing----keep us posted!!

Mere and Jonny said...

Hope Parker gets feeling better!! no more monkey bars is probably a good thing :) maybe see you this week?

Candi Ladwig said...

Maybe we can't hang out with you guys!! :) You are cutting your thumb off, Parker is "breaking" his arm....

Let us know his update! Hallie will be devistated her "husband" is hurt again!