Friday, October 17, 2008

"OUCH" presents...

THANK YOU Nina and Papa Hamann for the card and money you sent for Parker!!! :) He LOVES getting the mail now and is SOOO excited when something is in there for him!!! :)
THANK YOU Aunt Kim and Uncle Dan and girls for the HANNAH MONTANA balloon, card and kit-kats!!! :) - - after you left Parker says to me, "Mom, I like Aunt Kimmie!!!" - and I said... "I know, Parker, I like Aunt Kimmie too!!" :) hehe... he is so funny! He LOVES his Aunt Kim and Uncle Dan because they always pick out the HANNAH MONTANA stuff for him I think!! :) hehe! - - for anyone who doesn't know, Parker has a crush on Hannah!!

All of the presents Parker keeps getting makes having an "owie" arm not so bad!! :) - -although he says it itches like CRAZY... poor thing!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Ellie would LOVE the Hannah stuff too!!! I think it is sooo cute he has a crush on her---a much older woman!!!! :)