Tuesday, October 14, 2008

They're Back....

Alicia and Brenton... our LONG LOST FRIENDS are back!!! :) We had them over tonight for dinner! Nick grilled and Alicia and Brenton brought dessert (which I might add was YUMMY), Apple cake with a carmel frosting! It was so nice to get together and catch up... it had been awhile!

Alicia and Brenton came bearing gifts! Parker and Owen got fun little Halloween ornaments to paint and we got adorable little Halloween fridge magnets! Alicia... you are quite the little crafty gal! :) THANK YOU... so sweet!! ... oh, and I LOVED the card!!! Too funny!
The boys were active as always... the cast has not slowed Parker down at all (in case you were wondering)! They were running, playing and their favorite... playing 'dress-up'! Parker was Spiderman and Owen was (in Parker's words) an 'OLD LADY'!! hehe!!! They were too funny!!!

Before bed the boys were playing with Brenton and Owen decided he need to blow on Brenton's tummy... so here they are getting 'BREN BREN'! :) Thanks for being a good sport Brenton! And also here is a photo of Parker giving Alicia (pronounced in SPANISH) a hug goodnight!

Thanks guys for a fun night... and the delicious dessert!!!


Alicia said...

We had a most enjoyable evening!! I LOVE that Pic of brenton and the boys!!!

We will do it again.. SOON!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like lots of fun--and the ornaments are cute!