Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Visit to the "SOUTHSIDE"

Nick had Friday off since he had went to Nebraska this week for work and had worked LONG hours... so he came along with Nicole and I and the kids over to the "SOUTHSIDE". We had to go to the Southridge Mall to get registered for "RACE FOR THE CURE". Nick was convinced after taking the kids into the arcade that the reason there are so many shootings on the southside is because every other game was a "GUN" game! - - he does have a point!! :) Nicole and I got signed up and then we did a little shopping and had some lunch! The mall was nothing like I have ever seen... it had been awhile since I was there, but there were now 2 churches in the mall and the ARL (Animal Rescue League) was also inside the mall! We did have to stop in to see the animals and all of the kids got to hold a little kitten (only because there weren't any puppies - I am not a cat fan!!). They had a good time!!! :) Afterwards the kids got to ride on the carousel... it was the deal for being good! :)
Here are some photos of the kids...

Yes... for those of you who noticed... that is a leash that Owen is wearing! - - a little PUPPY leash! I know what you are thinking... a leash??? Really??? And the answer is YES... if you know Owen, you know that this is the BEST and SAFEST thing we can do for him! I swore I would NEVER have my kids on a leash... I used to criticize the parents who did this... but now I COMPLETELY understand!!! Owen is a sweetie, but such a busy boy and he gets us VERY STRESSED when we go anywhere. So please don't judge me... until you have spent a day with Owen! :)
Here are more pictures of the kids being silly!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like fun!

I might need to get Malia a leash too! Do they come in pink?!?!? HAHA She is a busy one too!!! :)