Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas, Christmas Time is Near...

It has been another busy week for us... I am busy with screens trying to get ready for my craft show this weekend and Nick waited all week for a decent day to finish putting up Christmas lights outside! I will have to take a photo in the dark and add it... he did a GREAT job! :)
We managed to start our Christmas activities with daycare this week... coloring Christmas pages, Christmas movies, building a gingerbread house and even a visit to Santa!! :)
Our Gingerbread House... (all of the kids got to help with this... it was such a FUN thing to do - my first time I might add! :) - THANK YOU, Mom for getting it for us!)

We had a playdate last Thursday with Nicole and Cooper and Christi and Kya and Kelton! I had Avery that day for daycare, so we all went to the mall and had lunch and played... and got to have a visit with SANTA!! :) It was lots of fun... minus Parker falling in Sheels and getting a goosegg on his head!

Playing at the mall...

Visiting the "Man in Red"...

Sorry my pictures are blurry... I was having trouble with my camera! Aghh....
Hope everyone is enjoying the season... we are!! :) Sunday nights have become our "official" night to look at Christmas lights! :) We have been giving the kids their bath, getting them in their pajamas and slippers and having popcorn and apples for supper in the car while we go look at lights! It is so fun... my favorite thing to do!!!


Candi Ladwig said...

Santa looks a bit overwelmed :)

Mere and Jonny said...

Cute pics of the kiddos!