Thursday, December 11, 2008


This week we had lots of visits from Christi and the kids and even Ross one time! :) They had a busy week getting things ready for their BIG move, so we were excited to get to spend a little time with them here and there. Christi ran an errand and so kindly got me a 'DIET COKE' on Wednesday afternoon and I kept Kya and Kelton for a bit so the kids could all play together... here are a few pictures...

After some playtime the kids all wanted to help with lunch! We were having french toast, sausage and fruit... so I thought they would like helping with the french toast!!! :) Eggs??? Yeah, definitely a crowd pleaser!! :) Each kid wanted to crack an egg, so instead of having 2-3 eggs like I normally use we had 6.... Parker, Kya, Corbin, Kelton, Owen and Braxton all got to crack an egg and the winner for least messy and best form..................... KYA!!!! She is quite the little egg-cracker! Since she did the best, she got to add the milk and then they all took turns stirring! It was hilarious... and everyone was so attentive and such good listeners!!

After that... Christi came to get the kids and Kya and Kelton each took a sausage with them since they didn't stay for lunch! - - that was another funny story... when I was getting the sausage out of the package (it was frozen), Kya tells me "Yuck, I don't like that!" I said, "you don't like sausage?" and she said "NO!" So I proceeded to put it in the pan... and after a bit she comes over to take a look at our progress and sees that the sausage is browning... and says, "Oh, I like that... it's like hotdogs!" I thought it was pretty funny!!! :) Kya is so cute!

Then, since Wednesday was supposed to be the last night in town for them, but they ran into some problems with the moving company - - long story short they didn't leave when they planned so we decided to go out to dinner at "On the Border" (Kaden's pick)! It was a good meal... a little HOT in the restaurant, but good food! :) During the meal we decided it would be fun for the kids to have a sleepover since they planned to leave on Thursday now. So Kaden, Kiera and Kya all slept over at our house! The kids were all good and had a great time together. Kiera wanted her own room, so she slept in the (daycare room/Owen's old room)!! She picked out 3 books before bedtime to read and Nick and I were all smiles... she was such a little sweetie! :) Then at 10:30 I could hear someone talking on the monitor still, so I went up to Parker's room... and sure enough Kaden and Parker were laying together in Owen's bed playing Nintendo DS!! I had to laugh... it was so precious! So then Parker went back up to his bed (top bunk), Kaden slept in Owen's bed and I made up a bed for Kya on the floor with the boys. 5:45 came early... those Ladwig kiddos get up EARLY!!!!!!!!!!! :) We had so much fun... thanks for letting them stay!! Here are a few pictures of the night...

We will miss you all... glad we got to spend some more time together before we parted ways... we hope you have a safe drive in the morning and that all works out well in AZ for your family!


Mere and Jonny said...

Owen is getting so big! I miss him!!! talk soon

Christi said...

Our kids had a GREAT time.....thanks for letting them stay!!!