Monday, December 8, 2008

Girls Weekend...

This past weekend I got to have a "GIRLS" weekend! :) Robyn came to see me from Reinbeck (by Cedar Falls)!!! Friday night we went out to dinner and then met up with Laci and then Amy and Brian and their friends. We had a fun night of karaoke!!

After a great night out Friday... we spent all day Saturday scrapbooking at Archivers!!! We scrapped from 9:30am-11:30pm... with only an hour break for lunch and errands! It was so much fun!! :)

Then we went out for a bit on Saturday with Laci and did some more karaoke! A VERY eventful night at the local hang out!! :)
Thanks for coming to visit, Robyn... it was fun!! :) Can't wait to have another scrap weekend!


Alicia said...

Oh, I wish I could have joined you!!!!!!!! :-(

We miss you!!!!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

I hope I can come next time!! Piper will be a bit older :) *Just so ya know... I won't be along for the singing!!! As much as I love American Idol, I know I shouldn't sing in public!!! I'd love to hear you guys though!! :)