Monday, December 1, 2008


Who doesn't love Thanksgiving... eating a ton of food and napping in the afternoon??? It is one of our favorites!! :) Our family loaded up and headed to the Hamann's to celebrate Turkey day this year! It was a short trip for us, but we had such a great visit and we even managed to squeeze in a birthday celebration for Parker too! :) All of us were there... Dan and Kim, Grace and Caroline, Don and Jane and the 4 of us... so we got some GREAT family photos too! Jane prepared a WONDERFUL meal (as usual) and on Friday I decorated my first ever cake!! :) Yippee!
Here is Nick and the boys before dinner... every year Don and Jane get us all ornaments to add to our own family Christmas trees! Parker got Spiderman, us a photo ornament and Owen got a John Deere tractor! :) THANK YOU!!! They look GREAT on the tree!

Who can make a trip to Nina and Papa's without "PAPA CHIPS!!!!" hehehe! Parker and Owen LOVE pringles... and they are known as "Papa Chips" because they are the chips that Papa eats!!! :) - - and yes... those are CHIPS on Parker's shirt... he was shovelling in the chips!

One of our family...

The birthday celebration...
My first cake - - THANK YOU Jane for all of the help and the use of your supplies! :) - - Sarah, I thought of you during this experience... I remember you making Reese's first "puppy" cake!!! :) - I am no Sarah, OBVIOUSLY, but I am pretty proud of my first one! :)

Parker got lots of GREAT gifts... his own subscription to a magazine, spiderman slippers, and much much more... but his FAVORITE...... A NEW BIG BIKE!!!! :) Nina and Papa Hamann got him a NEW "Big Boy" bike! He has really outgrown his first bike (which was also a gift from Nina and Papa Hamann) so he was so excited to get a bigger one now!! - - THANK YOU!!!

Hope everyone's TURKEY DAY was a GREAT one!!! :)


Candi Ladwig said...

Your cake looks great! Gotta love those pans! They make ya feel like a pro!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Love your cake!!! GREAT JOB---you are a natural!!! I am sure we will be seeing many more in the future!

I also love that you get an ornament every year---I am a big tradition freak----so I think that is great they do that!!!

Snavels said...

Wow..I am very impressed with the cake..You may have a future ahead of you!! :) It gets addicting, I'm telling you!! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving!! :)

Jill said...

The boys are getting so big! They are going to have a blast this Christmas!

I love the cake! You are so crafty! :)

Mere and Jonny said...

Love the cake and glad the boys and you guys had a good Thanksgiving. Always hectic around that time.

when are we getting together for the holidays?