Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our "CRAFTY" days...

This past weekend/week I have been organizing my craft supplies, which has put me in a crafty mood :) - so we have been busy this week at daycare making some Valentine's Day crafts...

Monday... we made cardboard heart with ribbon to hang them and then scrunched up tissue paper to decorate them.

Nick and Owen being silly...

Owen with the camera...

Tuesday... we made "Heart Finger Puppets"! They turned out so cute! I am including the link where I found it incase anyone is interested in making these!! :)

They belong to... (left to right) Braxton, Avery, Corbin, Parker, Me :) and Owen!
Random cute pics...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Relaxing Weekend...

This past weekend was meant to be a relaxing weekend... and it sort of was! :) We spent Friday night watching movies, Saturday we went out to lunch at Pizza Ranch with Don and Jane and Kim and the girls (Dan was working), then were at home most of the day before running to get Parker some jeans... he has grown out of his jeans already and he just got them in November!!! - - GROWTH SPURT!
Then Saturday night we went over to Ryan and Candi's for dinner (THANK YOU... it was YUMMY!) and stayed to visit for awhile! Then Sunday morning we went to church and then Don and Jane and the girls stopped by while Dan and Kim were picking out new chairs so we all went to lunch at Dairy Queen! Afterwards it was off to Walmart for groceries and then home to relax... that thing we were supposed to do all weekend!- - - I am tired just thinking about all we squeezed in!!! :)

Nick got a couple shots of Owen trying to help Grace put her shoe back on... I might add that when Caroline saw Grace getting help from Owen she too decided to take off a shoe! hehehe! It was too cute! :)

Today, MONDAY, JANUARY 26th is Grace and Caroline's 2nd birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, girls!! We love you and are so glad to be so close to spend time together and watch you grow! :)

Friday, January 23, 2009


I finally decided to update my layout!! I wanted something a little more girly since I am surrounded by boys! :) I had the firetruck layout FOREVER, so it was definitely time for a change!

I am getting ready to start tax season next weekend so the posts may be slow! I will be traveling back to I.G. every weekend for awhile and Nick will be busy with the boys... but I will be sure to have him get lots of pictures so we can blog when we have a chance.

I have been working on some valentine's items... here is a picture of my new screen! I thought the X's and O's would be cute around the edge! :) I will be posting other examples on my website.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Movie Dates...

Today was a movie day for the Hamann's!! This morning we had a play-date/movie date with my friends Julie (and her son Trey) and Ruth (and her daycare kids) at Billy Joes Picture Show. They were showing Madagascar 2... so I had Parker go to Cooper's after school and Owen, Avery and I joined the others to see the show! It was such a cute movie and the kids were so good... minus the few attemps by Owen to escape... oh that boy... he is so busy! He did watch most of the movie though... and they all seemed to enjoy it! It was such a fun idea (THANKS JULIE) and we are sad to hear that Billy Joe's will be closing in 3 weeks unless someone buys it and keeps it open! - - It is a GREAT winter activity for daycare... and only $4/person or $6/person with a drink and popcorn! Hopefully someone will buy it and we can do this again!! Here are a couple of silly photos!!!

Then tonight Nick and I had a date night with our friends Brian and Lori Sheeks! Our regular babysitter wasn't feeling well (hope you feel better soon, Lindsay) and our other sitter was at work, so we asked Alicia and Brenton to come watch our boys... and they did... and were here in 20 minutes!!!! :) THANK YOU SO MUCH guys... we REALLY appreciate it!!

So for our night out we went to see 'PAUL BLART MALL COP'! It was a good movie... although we thought it would be funnier than it was, but still a FUN one to see! :) The Hamann's give it 2 thumbs up! - - How could anyone not LOVE Kevin James??? - - - he is so funny!!!

Our Vistors...

On Monday afternoon we had some little visitors at our house... our cousin Candi and her 3 girls came to play (Hallie, Reese and Piper)!! They shared Valentine cookies with us and Hallie showed us her new scrapbook... she was VERY proud!! I even got to hear a "CANDI MICHELLE" from Hallie... which I am still laughing about! hehehe!
We had such a fun time... and even got in a few photos! Owen and Hallie controled the camera most of the time... but they got some decent shots so I won't complain!!! - - oooh, I forgot to mention that Candi and Ryan asked us to be little Piper's godparents and of course we accepted happily!!! We are so excited to be a part of her life... THANK YOU for asking us!!!! :)

Now aren't those some CUTE kids??? :) THANKS for stopping by... we had such a fun time! Hopefully we can set up another time to play soon! :)

The Edsen Girls' Birthday Party

Sorry for the long gap in posts... we have lots to update you on tonight so get ready! :)

Last weekend we celebrated Caroline and Grace's 2nd birthday!!! Can you believe they turn 2 this month??? - - us either! :) They are growing so much and are absolutely ADORABLE!!! Dan and Kim had a great party for them out at their house... Kim made tons of great food and 2 super cute cakes (an elephant and a lion). THANKS for having us out to help celebrate... we had so much fun! :)

The girls in their new chairs... (Caroline - left and Grace - right)

Parker and Owen bringing the girls their shopping carts we got them...

Opening presents... (Caroline - left/Grace - right)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLINE and GRACE... we love you! :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Family Wii Night...

We decided to play Wii tonight (Saturday) as a family... and as you all know Owen is only 2-1/2 so it was so fun to watch him! We played "bowling" and he was so in to it... he was acting like he was really bowling... arm swinging in the air and all! He would cheer for all of us too! So cute!!! Parker did such a great job!!! He LOVES the Wii and he thought it was so fun for all of us to play together! Although... Parker did get a little annoyed that Owen required help sometimes and would take a long time when it was his turn!!! We heard lots of sighs!
We are definitely not pros... we haven't played too much, but in the end... Nick won with 191, I came in second with 133 and Parker third with 86 and Owen last with 46! - - What a fun night! :)

Sorry for the picture overload... but this was HILARIOUS!!! - - -oh, in case you didn't notice... Owen is wearing his snow boots... he rarely takes them off and today was extra special since he got to help daddy shovel snow. He also helped daddy fix things today with all of his own tools... so cute, such a mini-Nick! :)

Owen... (hehehehe)

Friday, January 9, 2009


We finally made it to another Bucs game!! YEAH! We had planned to go last weekend and ended up getting a bad ice storm and then this Friday it was snowing, so we weren't sure if we were going to be able to make it again... but we did!!! :)
Unfortunately the Bucs didn't win... 4 to 2 against Lincoln! It was a good game with a GREAT fight!!! I have to admit, that is what makes a game... gotta love those fights!!! hehe
We went with Nicole and the kids... Brad was working the game! All of the kids were decked out in their Bucs attire (Autn Kim and Uncle Dan got the boys their shirts for Christmas!)... ok, we all were wearing Bucs clothing!! hehe! We had a great time... Brad got us the "Owner's Box" for seats so after spending some time in the lounge we got to go into the box and have our own private room for the rest of the game!!! It was so nice... the kids were able to play and be crazy and it didn't bother anyone!! hehe! - - THANK YOU BRAD and NICOLE for such a fun night!!!
The first picture is Cooper and Brad in the VOLVO... they had a raffle for it and Brad drove it out on the ice with Cooper in the back!!! Cooper was waving like a pro... that boy is going to be in politics some day! hehe! If you look closely, you can see Cooper in the back!