Monday, January 26, 2009

Relaxing Weekend...

This past weekend was meant to be a relaxing weekend... and it sort of was! :) We spent Friday night watching movies, Saturday we went out to lunch at Pizza Ranch with Don and Jane and Kim and the girls (Dan was working), then were at home most of the day before running to get Parker some jeans... he has grown out of his jeans already and he just got them in November!!! - - GROWTH SPURT!
Then Saturday night we went over to Ryan and Candi's for dinner (THANK YOU... it was YUMMY!) and stayed to visit for awhile! Then Sunday morning we went to church and then Don and Jane and the girls stopped by while Dan and Kim were picking out new chairs so we all went to lunch at Dairy Queen! Afterwards it was off to Walmart for groceries and then home to relax... that thing we were supposed to do all weekend!- - - I am tired just thinking about all we squeezed in!!! :)

Nick got a couple shots of Owen trying to help Grace put her shoe back on... I might add that when Caroline saw Grace getting help from Owen she too decided to take off a shoe! hehehe! It was too cute! :)

Today, MONDAY, JANUARY 26th is Grace and Caroline's 2nd birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, girls!! We love you and are so glad to be so close to spend time together and watch you grow! :)

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