Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Edsen Girls' Birthday Party

Sorry for the long gap in posts... we have lots to update you on tonight so get ready! :)

Last weekend we celebrated Caroline and Grace's 2nd birthday!!! Can you believe they turn 2 this month??? - - us either! :) They are growing so much and are absolutely ADORABLE!!! Dan and Kim had a great party for them out at their house... Kim made tons of great food and 2 super cute cakes (an elephant and a lion). THANKS for having us out to help celebrate... we had so much fun! :)

The girls in their new chairs... (Caroline - left and Grace - right)

Parker and Owen bringing the girls their shopping carts we got them...

Opening presents... (Caroline - left/Grace - right)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLINE and GRACE... we love you! :)

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