Saturday, January 10, 2009

Family Wii Night...

We decided to play Wii tonight (Saturday) as a family... and as you all know Owen is only 2-1/2 so it was so fun to watch him! We played "bowling" and he was so in to it... he was acting like he was really bowling... arm swinging in the air and all! He would cheer for all of us too! So cute!!! Parker did such a great job!!! He LOVES the Wii and he thought it was so fun for all of us to play together! Although... Parker did get a little annoyed that Owen required help sometimes and would take a long time when it was his turn!!! We heard lots of sighs!
We are definitely not pros... we haven't played too much, but in the end... Nick won with 191, I came in second with 133 and Parker third with 86 and Owen last with 46! - - What a fun night! :)

Sorry for the picture overload... but this was HILARIOUS!!! - - -oh, in case you didn't notice... Owen is wearing his snow boots... he rarely takes them off and today was extra special since he got to help daddy shovel snow. He also helped daddy fix things today with all of his own tools... so cute, such a mini-Nick! :)

Owen... (hehehehe)

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

You guys love that thing! We need to come over for Wii night :) Glad you had fun!