Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Science Center Field Trip

On Monday Parker asked if we could take a field trip to the Science Center downtown! - - and since we just purchased a membership, I said sure!! :) We had to go later than usual since Parker and Avery had preschool so nap had to get pushed back a little, but we had a great time! :)

We had daycare (only Avery today) and we asked Parker's friend Cooper to come along too! So me and the four kids loaded up and headed to the Science Center! :) From the start the kids were soooo good! Even Owen.... yes, even Owen! :) hehehe! We had an absolute blast! We went once last summer, but this time was so much more fun! I am so glad Parker had the idea!

They all had their favorite parts... Parker, Cooper, and Avery's favorite part was the 'Rocket Center' where we made paper rockets and got to shoot them and see who's could go the farthest. Owen's was the 'Water Station' and the 'Egg Drop'! For Owen, this place was AMAZING! :) He was so excited about everything and he was soooo good! I told Nick that the Science Center is Owen's cup of tea!

Here is Owen at the 'Water Station'

Checking out all of the fun stuff...

Feeling the AIR come out!

Owen caught a fish with the magnet fishing pole... and Avery can blow some BIG bubbles!! :)

Parker and Cooper even put on a play for us... Mr. Bear, Mr. Snowman, Mr. Penguin and Mr. Reindeer were quite entertaining! :)


Candi Ladwig said...

How fun! We need to get down there... call us next time. :)

Mere and Jonny said...

Cute. Looks like everyone had fun