Monday, March 30, 2009

Everyday of the Week...

For the past few weeks we have been having a pretty busy schedule! Parker seems to think we should have a plan for EVERY night of the week. It goes something like this...

Monday - movie night (and popcorn too)
Tuesday - bath night (Ralph too - brush Ralph's teeth too)
Wednesday - book night
Thursday - computer night
Friday - game night
Saturday - Ice cream night
Sunday - Wii night

Really??? hehehe... he seems to think this works?!?! We have been doing some of these things tho... and have been enjoying it!
On Wednesday we had "Game Night" (even though it was out of our order - hehehe) as a family and then Nina Wilson came too, so the boys got in some good story time! :) We played Candy Land, Hungry Hungry Hippo and Wheels on the Bus! We all won some games of Hungry Hippo... Parker won at Candy Land and Owen won at Wheels on the Bus... and Parker got 2nd! :) It really was lots of fun! We had to remind Owen lots that it wasn't his turn, but it was still fun!! :)

As for the rest of the week I am still mad at myself for forgetting my camera!!! Aghhh! We went to the mall to play on Wednesday and had a great time with Cooper and Nicole and then Corbin, Parker, Braxton and Owen came with me! We had lunch there too!
Then on Thursday I took Owen and Avery to Story Time at the library! Nina came with us and we met Kim and the girls again and Laci and her daycare kids came too! It was again another fun story time even though we didn't get to stay and play afterwards since we had to get Parker from school. Cooper came home with us from school and the boys played and we had lunch together! Again... another fun day! :)
We are loving the nice weather when we get it... we have been playing outside and going on short walks most days! We are REALLY looking forward to being able to go out all of the time!


Christi said...

Sounds and looks like a really good time:) When did you guys go to ikea, and get the awesome shelving?!? Do you LOVE IT?

Candi Ladwig said...

No wonder we never see you guys!! :(