Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First Zoo Trip for 2009!

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY everyone!! :)

Today was GORGEOUS!!! It was 71 out and we took advantage of the GREAT weather and went to the zoo for the first time this year! :) We asked Amy and Mallory & Avery to come along too! As the day went on it got warmer and warmer out... it was soooo nice! We stayed at the zoo for a couple of hours and then grabbed lunch and headed home for naps. It was tons of fun!! THANKS for coming along with us!! :)
The kids...

Mallory - picture by Parker! :)

Another one of many pictures by Parker! :)

If you can't tell from the photo... Mallory had the idea to color shamrocks on the kids' faces so they each had a shamrock and Parker and Owen also had one on their hands! :)


Candi Ladwig said...

Yipee! Spring is here :) {I say that and I know it will probably snow again!!!} Soak in the warm while we can ;)

Jodi Lansink said...

Wish we had a zoo to go to also!!! Lucky for you!!!!! Looks like a fun time, and we have also been loving the weather, but like Candi daid, it will probbaly snow again, we are in Iowa! HAHA!

Parker looks SO GROWN UP with her new hair cut! So cute!!!

Mere and Jonny said...

How fun to go to the zoo! next time if you go on a weekend, let Jonny and I know..we may tag along :) Parker's hair is so different but he looks soo grown up. I have some great pics of him and Owen and Jonny from when we babysat! Talk soon!