Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Haircut ANYONE???

The title says it all!!! :)

This last week we decided it was time for haircuts for all my boys... Nick, Parker and Owen! So me being the hair cutter that I am, I got out the clippers and scissors and got to work! Owen was first... and we did a nice little trim.

Next was Parker... he has told me FOREVER how he wants to be able to put gel in his hair... so I asked him "Parker, do you want me to cut it so you can put gel in your hair?" He said YES! I said, "Are you sure... it will be really short!" He said YES!!! So I did! :) He looks so grown up... and pretty handsome too! He LOVES it... he can't stop looking in the mirror and some days we apply gel more than once! hehe! He is too funny!

Last was Nick... just a normal trim for him!
Then on Saturday... our buddy Cooper came over and I cut his hair too! :) I was quite the beautician this past weekend! They all look so cute!

Parker - BEFORE

Parker - AFTER

Owen being silly!

1 comment:

{find joy in the journey} said...

WOW...Parker looks so different. Very Cute:)