Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Weekend "GETAWAY"

This past weekend we had a "GIRL'S" weekend! It was fun-filled with going out, food, singing, scrapping and late nights! Robyn came to stay with me all weekend and we went out to sing karaoke on Friday night with some friends and then Saturday morning got up bright and early for scrapping at Archivers all day/night! We met up with Kim Edsen (my sister-in-law - - and friend, right Kim?) and were later joined by Candi and her friends Kim and Penny. It was a fun time! - -and much needed!

Here are some photos from our night out...

Here is our "SCRAP" day at Archivers!!! (Kim left before the cameras came out :(!)

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

It was so fun... can't wait to do it again!!! :) Gosh, my lips were sooo chapped!