Friday, August 7, 2009


Today we took the boys to Adventureland!! We weren't sure if we were going to be able to go as it was raining this morning... but fortunately it cleared up around 10 or 11 and we headed out! The boys had never been there before so they had the time of their lives!! :) Nick and I even thought it was lots of fun!! The boys went on tons of rides and then we headed over to Kokomo Cove (the water park portion) for some water fun! The boys loved this... Owen calls it "kokoka mocca" hehehe! :) Parker loved the waterslides... of course and Owen only wanted to go down the smaller slide but was happy to just do that!! :) We ate some of the famous "greasy" food and then headed home around 7pm! We had a fun-filled day and both boys were wore out... Owen fell asleep on the way home and Parker as soon as he got into bed he was out! Here are a few pictures from our family day out!

Kokomo Cove...

The ride home... I (yes I) won the boys their Herkey's!! :) - - they were so proud of Mom! :)


Mere and Jonny said...

I bet they had a blast. Looks like they did! And glad you guys enjoyed that water park! Its a fun time! HOpe to see you soon

Candi Ladwig said...

how fun!! adventureland is a great park! the lines aren't too long and MOST the rides are kid friendly!! Glad you guys had fun :)

Monica said...

looks like fun. Love the Herkey's :)