Sunday, August 2, 2009

Indianola Balloon Classic

Friday night we picked up Alicia & Brenton and headed to the Indianola Balloon Classic! This was our second annual trip with Alicia & Brenton!! :) hehehe! We were afraid we got there too late but to our surprise we were just in time for all the fun! We got to see balloons take off, the boys got to play on all of the rides, we had great food, saw the balloons land and finally the night glow! It couldn't have been a more perfect night! Thanks for coming with us again Alicia & Brenton and THANK YOU (sarcasm) for the cotton candy too!!!! :) We had a great time and will have to plan another trip next year!!

Night glow...

Our little goofball...

Our dancing boys... (they were our entertainment) - :)

The gang...

Carnival rides...


Candi Ladwig said...

How fun! Bummed I missed it!! :( Love the night glow pic! Looks like fun!

Christi said...

It looks like it was a great time!! I agree with Candi, I really like the night glow picture.

Alicia said...

Thank YOU for driving!! We had fun.. we always do when we are with you guys!!!