Friday, August 21, 2009

Parker's First Day of Kindergarten

Wednesday was Parker's first day of Kindergarten! All morning he was pretty excited... he felt pretty special having his daycare friends here to see him off for school! He was anxiously awaiting his bus ride! :) Nick stayed home in the morning so he c0uld see him off as well! It was raining so we drove to the corner and all waited in the van for the bus! Once the bus got here we took some final pictures and gave our hugs and kisses and waved goodbye... then we got in the van and the crying continued for me... all morning I was really nervous for him and sad to see him go! We were told that the parents usually go up to the school to say their final goodbyes so we too headed to the school. SO GLAD we did... all of the parents were there... and poor Parker would have been heart broken if he didn't see his parents there! :) They lined up with their teachers and then walked on in to their classroom! Poor Parker had such a frightened look on his face and I felt so bad leaving him there. - - he doesn't know anyone in his class either! So... we left (me more sad than before) and Nick went to work and I began my day without Parker. It was definitely different not having him here.

When I went to meet him on the bus after school he was quiet. I asked him about his day and he said he had SQUARE PIZZA! :) - - hehehehe... this was too cute! He was pretty excited about the pizza. Then he showed me he had a bandaid on his knee. Aparently a little boy punched another little boy and that boy went running to tell the teacher and knocked Parker down on his way. He scraped both knees and his hands too! poor guy! :( - - - at least he still wanted to go back the next day! :) All in all it went well and he says he really likes his teacher! :) - - oh and the best part... Nina Wilson called him and asked if he made any new friends... Parker said yes, two of them! Nina said, "what are their names?" and Parker said, "Ummmm.... I forgot the first one.... and I forgot the second one." That made us all laugh! He is so funny! :)

Here are lots of pics from this memorable day!


Jodi Lansink said...

Such a milestone isn't it?!??! I remember feeling the same way with Ellie----the first day I was a wreck watching the clock, waiting for her to get home! now it is a piece of cake!!!He looks so cute and grown up---he will do great in school!

{find joy in the journey} said...

He looks so grown up!! What a cutie:)

Candi Ladwig said...

What a big boy! Glad to hear he is adjusting to school well, and lovin' it! Gosh, what are we going to do in a few weeks when Reese and Owen go, too?? :)

Mere and Jonny said...

He looks so cute and excited to go! :) Glad it went great! See you tonight