Monday, August 31, 2009

A Picnic with Julie

If you remember from earlier posts... my friend Julie was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.... since then she was doing great and the cancer was gone... then she went in for her 3 month scans and was told she had cancer in her liver, lungs, bones, brain and skull. She is such a fighter... and she is once again fighting this horrible disease at age 37! Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Saturday Julie invited everyone to go to Ledges State Park in Boone for a picnic! I haven't gotten to see Julie in a while so we loaded up the family and headed over! It was a GORGEOUS day... we put on our "team" shirts (per Julie's request), grabbed subs at subway and joined in the fun! It was great getting to catch up with Julie and other friends! Julie had a friend there taking lots of photos for her for her photo albums. It was nice just getting to spend time together and to see all of the people there to show Julie their support and to let her know we are all there for her. As usual... Julie looked great! I am so glad she invited us all out while she is still feeling good and can enjoy the company. She started her chemo Friday. Here are a few photos we took.
Julie and I...

Jessica, her boys Hayden and Hunter and Julie...

Me, Julie, Sue and Julie B...

1 comment:

{find joy in the journey} said...

How nice for all you to get together, I'm sure it was a great time but also an emotional day! She's a fighter, and we continue to pray for her and the ones that surround her.