Saturday, October 3, 2009


The Hawkeyes won today... but according to Nick it wasn't their best game! :) The boys all wore their Hawk-wear with pride tho... here are the boys taking a coloring break during the game! :) Nick wouldn't let me get his pic but he was decked out too!


Christi said...

They look adorable:) I love little kids in Jerseys.

Jodi Lansink said...

Cute! We are going to do a family picture in all of our Hawkeye gear and hang it up in Adam's "man room"! Also might make a good Christmas card picture---Adam would love it!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

No.... not their best game to say the least... but they won and that's all that counts!! :)

Mere and Jonny said...

How handsome! I am so glad you are HAWK FANS like us :)

go hawks! So cute!