Saturday, October 3, 2009

Iowa City Trip

I am a bit slow on posting this... but wanted to share our little trip to Iowa City! We went last weekend with my Mom and brother and met up with my Uncle Merlin & Debbie and Justin and Emilia. We went down Friday afternoon and got a hotel so the kids could swim - they think it is SOOO NEAT to get to swim when it is cold out!! :) We spent Friday evening swimming and then back to our room to watch tv before heading to bed. Then on Saturday we met up with the family for breakfast and then spent the day shopping, had lunch together, and did some visiting! We had a great time and were so glad to get to see everyone!! The boys were extra excited because they got to get HAWKEYE jerseys!!! :) - and Nick his HAWKEYE house flag! :) I didn't get a lot of pictures... it was so dark in the pool area and none of the pictures turned out very good... but here are the few I got.

At the play area in the mall...

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

Oh Nick... the classic cannonball :)