Friday, October 2, 2009

Meet Hamann Baby #3

We got to see our little teeny tiny peanut today!! :) I have to admit... it was a bit emotional for me! It is so exciting to see a little life growing inside you... it makes it all a reality! Owen got to come with Nick and I and he even thought it was pretty special! The ultrasound tech was awesome... she got the baby with his/her hand up and she showed Owen and told him the baby was waving at him! - - he thought that was so cool! Then she printed extra pictures of that pose and gave one to Owen and sent one home for Parker so they could see the baby waving at them and keep it until they get to meet him or her! So sweet! :) She also said everything looked great and the baby looked healthy (we are so grateful)! The baby is measuring 13 weeks and one day... which is 2 days ahead of schedule! :)

So here is our little one...

the baby waving!!! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

SOOOO Glad to hear your baby looks healthy----it does make it so real when you get to see it! Can't wait to hear if it is a boy or girl in a couple months!

Candi Ladwig said...

Hallie says "cute baby" ... in her little sing-songy voice!

I'm with Jodi... can't wait to see pink or blue!! :)

Congrats again!! I've gotta bust a move and get your little AZ gift done! Hope you start feeling better soon!

{okay, I know I'm a dork... but the word verification word I have to type in is prego!! hehehe}

Mere and Jonny said...

That is def sur-real to see the pics of baby #3!!! How awesome. I am happy for you that all is going well minus being sick!

It was great seeing you guys the other night! once you are feeling better we'll barbeque at our new house :)