Saturday, January 16, 2010

28 Weeks

Not a big fan of belly pics... of myself anyways, but here I am at 28 weeks with baby boy #3! My belly seems to be growing FAST! Had my 28 week check up on Friday and all is well! At my appointment I had to do the glucose test and there were no issues! I am still iron anemic so they increased my iron pills to twice a day now! - - this explains why I am so tired my OB said!

We are still working on names and when we do pick... we will be keeping it a secret so we have a little bit of a surprise at the end! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

I LOVE BABY BUMP PICS!!!! You look fabulous!!!! Kepp the pics coming!!

Alicia said...

You look so cute in this picture... and little man is growing FAST!! You weren't that big when we last saw you, which {might I add} has been too long!

Mere and Jonny said...

You are so cute!!! I love prego pics!! I hope you can get your iron up! I can NOT wait to meet Wild Boy #3 ;)