Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas with Meredith!

Mere stopped over this week and brought the boys Christmas presents! She is always so good to our boys... and we all love it when we get spend some time with her! - - and Jonny too but he was ice fishing this time! :) THANK YOU SO MUCH for the gifts... the boys love them!!! :)

Owen was taking a picture of Mere and I! :)

Another shot by Owen...

Mere even got BABY HAMANN #3 a gift!! :) hehehe - - too cute!

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

I am so glad i FINALLY got to stop by and see you guys. I hope the boys liked the Iowa stuff and Owen likes his "tool-man set"! He was hilarious screwing in the bolts!! He goes "aunt mere, I always know how to do this" Melts my heart :) Sorry Jonny couldn't come...we'll get together all of us soon! xoxox