Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Help NAME our baby BOY!

We are having a horrible time coming up with a name for our third baby boy... if you have a suggestion we would LOVE to hear it! :)


Mere and Jonny said...

What about Henry, Bradon, Bryson, Hayden, Aidan, Quinn, Preston, Sawyer, Wyatt? I'll keep thinking. What do you think right now?

Jodi Lansink said...

I already said on Facebook---but I will play along again!


Good luck---can't wait to hear what you come up with!

Jodi Lansink said...

Just saw this and thought I would pass it along---Liam---not sure it goes well with Hamann...but it sure is cute!

Anonymous said...

Here's one I had a work today that I thought was cute....Ian. Not sure about "Ian Hamann" - a lot of a's & n's....but it's a little different but yet current.

Kim Edsen said...

Ok, I left the last one....forgot how to do this correctly :)


Alicia said...

Bren Bren

Alicia said...

Ok, so I didn't leave the Bren Bren comment... bren bren did it!

I was thinking that in your family you have an L,N,O,P.. .you're missing the M... :-)

Jodi Lansink said...

Another---Carson---I think it goes really well with Parker and Owen!