Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kitchen Remodel Project

What started out as a simple tiling project... turned into a MAJOR, time consuming project (which is nothing new at our house)!! Don and Jane came for the weekend (Feb 26th-28th) and Don and Nick spent all day Saturday putting up the tile in our kitchen. They did a GREAT job!!

We had originally picked a smaller tile that was multi-colored and decided it was too busy for our kitchen... so we went back and picked out a larger natural stone tile and I couldn't find what I wanted for my glass tile accent so I ended up piecing what I liked together -- a rectangular tile set with brown/beige/tan and then I added black square glass to it. Nick and I grouted the tile on Sunday night (Feb 28th)... during the next day or two we worked on cleaning and sealing the tile... and Nick decided he wanted under the cabinet lighting... so he started that project too! We bought all of the supplies and the work began.

Ross came to help Saturday night (the 6th of March now) and they got all of the under cabinet lighting installed.... but then.... Nick decided ABOVE the cabinet lighting would add SO MUCH MORE.... and off to Home Depot they went! By the end of the night it was looking GREAT.... UNTIL... we realized we had not even thought about the cabinets above the fridge.... so Sunday after church back to Home Depot Nick went! :) Late Sunday afternoon Ross came back to help again! Ross caulked the bottom of the tile for us and helped Nick finish up the lighting and by Sunday evening our kitchen was............ DONE!! YIPPEE!!!

It turned out GREAT... I am so happy with it! Who would have thought backsplash and lighting would change a space so much! Nick, Don and Ross did a GREAT job... THANK YOU guys!!

Here's a look at the work in progress...

They even had a little helper!! :)

The finished project...
(excuse the mess... I just wanted the pictures so I could say it was done!! hehehe!)


Alicia said...

It looks FANTASTIC!!!! I can't wait to see it in person!!

Candi Ladwig said...

I love it!! You guys are always doing home improvements!! I wish I could talk Ryan into half the stuff you guys do :) Can't wait to see it!

Jodi Lansink said...

Love it!!!! I have wanted to do a tile backsplash in our kitchen too!! I think the lighting also looks great!!!

Mere and Jonny said...

Looks just like ours!! Funny!

We love our backsplash too as it changes teh whole look of our kitchen too! Jonny is doing the lighting next! Great work!

Christi said...

I LOVE IT!! It looks great. You will wonder how you even managed cooking with out under cabinet lighting- it is sooo nice!!