Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mommy - Owen Day at the Park

Monday the 29th was our weekly "Mommy-Owen" day! Owen LOVES to have me all to himself, so this is a super fun day for him. I usually let him select one thing to do during the day and if my "to-do" list isn't too long he gets to choose more! This week he wanted to get lunch and take it to the park... so that is what we did! We grabbed Wendy's and went to our favorite BLUE park! We went in the morning, so it was still a little chilly... but it was still a great time! Owen met a little boy named Brady there who was the same age so they had fun playing while Brady's mom and I chatted! :) Here are a few pictures of our "Special" day! :)



1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Looks like a perfect day to be outside playing! That is great you two have one day a week just the two of you! I bet Owen loves that! Tell him hi from Aunt Mere