Friday, April 30, 2010


Since Drew has arrived... we have had lots of visitors!! I have been meaning to post pictures and just haven't gotten around to it!

In the hospital some of our visitors were... Nina Hamann, Nina Wilson, big brothers Parker and Owen, Ruth (a.k.a. Ruthie), Mere & Jonny, Nicole & Cooper, Kim & the girls, and Papa Hamann! - - hope I got everyone! :) Thank you everyone for stopping in to see us and for the gifts too!!! Thank You's are about to be sent out... just waiting on some pictures of little Drew! :) - - sorry I don't have pics of everyone but wanted to post the ones I had!

At home we have had more visitors... Sarah, Reese, Finley & Harper brought over dinner, the beautiful cake (below) and presents for Drew! THANK YOU!! - - it is much appreciated! Everything was delicious!! :)

Kim & Dan and the girls brought over dinner one night and came to visit! :) Dinner was great... and glad we could visit and the kids could play together!! Thank you! :)

Ryan, Candi, Hallie, Reese and Piper came over with presents and dinner! THANK YOU guys... it wa delicious and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the little onsies and jammies for Drew!! - -Candi you are so creative! It was great getting to spend the evening with you all! (Thanks for the pic too Candi - - I had to steal it off your blog! - - I didn't get any pics! Grrr!)

My 2 little daycare cuties Kaeden & Kennedy stopped over with their Mommy, Jill for a visit and brought over presents as well! :) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It was great getting to visit and see your kiddos Jill! Here is a picture of the Malloy's with Drew!! -- Kaeden is a little pro at holding Drew!! :)
We have had our neighbors bringing meals and gifts, friends & family stopping by and tons of cards and gifts in the mail... THANK YOU so much to everyone!!! It's great to have such wonderful friends and family! :)

2 Weeks Old

Drew is already 2 weeks old!!! Time is flying!!! We had his 2-wk check up on Friday! Here are his stats and a picture of him with big brother Owen...

Height: 21-1/4"
Weight: 9lbs 2oz

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Flag Football...

Today was Parker's first FLAG FOOTBALL practice... and he had a BLAST!!! :) It was rainy and cold... but that didn't seem to bother Parker or any of the boys for that matter! Owen, Drew and I spent the entire practice in the van... but we parked right up front so we were able to watch them play... and of course get a few pictures!!! :)

Our neighbor Brian is the head coach and he asked Nick to be the assistant coach for the team. Parker and Brian's son, Brady play football every chance they get when the weather is nice... so this is pretty exciting for Parker to get to play with Brady on the same team! Parker is generally very shy but he did GREAT today and wasn't shy at all!!! We were very proud of him!! He is #8! Here are some pictures from today...

A Trip to the Science Center

Yesterday we took the boys to the Science Center! It has been awhile since we have been there and we were looking for something fun for the boys to do (since it was raining) - - so to the Science Center we went! My brother joined us as well. As usual... it was a fun time! I spent most of the time hanging out with Drew on the benches while the older two boys played with Nick and Matt! Here are some pictures from our day!

Owen putting on a puppet show for us! :)
Owen with his ROCKET! - - Drew napping! :)
Racing lego cars...
Parker and Owen - - the NEW weathermen!! :)

Drew - 11 days old

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Looking Out My Backdoor...

do do do looking out my backdoor...
A little (CCC) Creedence Clearwater Revival came to mind when posting this!! This past week we have seen some pretty neat stuff... just by looking out our backdoor! Here's a peak of what we saw!!

Hot Air Balloon...
Last week we got to not only see a hot air balloon, but we watched it land too in the field across the street from us! - - the boys thought it was pretty great!! :)
Then... On Friday I was on the phone with Aunt Kim when I looked out my backdoor and saw 2 geese on top of our swingset!!! They stayed around for quite awhile... and when they left, they were awfully chatty!! I am just hoping they didn't leave a nice mess behind in the yard or on the swingset!! - - it's been rainy so we haven't been out to check! hehehehe!

Kind of fun what can be seen when I am...
do do do looking out my backdoor! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fun with Cousins...

Uncle Dan, Aunt Kim, Caroline and Grace all stopped over for a visit the other night and the kids all had a great time playing in the backyard with Nick and Dan! Kim and I stayed inside to cuddle with Drew!! :) Here are a few pictures Nick took!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The other morning Parker walked into our room as he was getting dressed for school... and asked, "Mom, can Drew wear his new green outfit like my green shirt so we can be twins?" How could I not say yes? - - so Drew and Parker both wore their green and white shirts... and here are some pictures of our twins!


"Cuddle Time"

Parker's new favorite thing to do........ cuddle his baby brother! He asks all the time to hold him... and it is precious! He loves that little boy! :)

Next is my favorite one... (I will be editing this and reposting) - - :)

Sneaking in some more cuddle time before bed...