Friday, April 2, 2010

Early Easter Celebration...

This week we celebrated Easter with our daycare friends (more pictures on the daycare blog)! The boys had a fun week getting to color eggs, have an egg hunt, doing Easter crafts, make Easter treats, color pages, etc. Here is a look at our week!

Owen (and his daycare friends) helped to make our FAVORITE pretzel treats! (I think we got this recipe from Candi... and we make them for EVERY holiday!) :)

We decorated little bunnies using markers, googley eyes, and pom poms for the tails!

We dyed eggs!

We went outside for an Easter Egg Hunt (on Thursday and it was GORGEOUS out)!!

We always give little gifts at daycare to our friends... and here are the boys opening theirs! - - Owen is always so expressive! :) - - no matter what the gift is! :)
This weekend my Mom is coming and the Hamann's and we will be going to the Edsen's for Easter dinner on Sunday... so we will get to spend time with family to help make our Easter complete! Plus the boys got new shirts for Easter and get to wear ties (they LOVE wearing ties and getting dressed up) for church and dinner so they are super excited!! Hope everyone has a HAPPY EASTER!! :)

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