Friday, April 2, 2010

Baby Update...

Today I had my 39 week doctor appointment and things are moving along... slowly, but at least moving along! :) I am dilated to a 2 and my cervix is starting to thin! I am still at 19lbs... which after this past week of craving sweets and salt I have no idea how I lost a 1/2lb!! - - I won't complain tho! :)

My OB scheduled my next appointment for next Friday and will do an ultrasound to determine the size of the baby... unless of course I deliver before then. She also said that if I have not gone by Friday she will schedule an induction for the beginning of the next week (which would be AFTER my due date)... so I BETTER go into labor before then or you will all witness one BITTER woman! :)

My contractions are still frequent but sporadic... so who knows when this little guy will come! I will be sure to post when he decides to make his entrance.

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