Friday, April 30, 2010


Since Drew has arrived... we have had lots of visitors!! I have been meaning to post pictures and just haven't gotten around to it!

In the hospital some of our visitors were... Nina Hamann, Nina Wilson, big brothers Parker and Owen, Ruth (a.k.a. Ruthie), Mere & Jonny, Nicole & Cooper, Kim & the girls, and Papa Hamann! - - hope I got everyone! :) Thank you everyone for stopping in to see us and for the gifts too!!! Thank You's are about to be sent out... just waiting on some pictures of little Drew! :) - - sorry I don't have pics of everyone but wanted to post the ones I had!

At home we have had more visitors... Sarah, Reese, Finley & Harper brought over dinner, the beautiful cake (below) and presents for Drew! THANK YOU!! - - it is much appreciated! Everything was delicious!! :)

Kim & Dan and the girls brought over dinner one night and came to visit! :) Dinner was great... and glad we could visit and the kids could play together!! Thank you! :)

Ryan, Candi, Hallie, Reese and Piper came over with presents and dinner! THANK YOU guys... it wa delicious and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the little onsies and jammies for Drew!! - -Candi you are so creative! It was great getting to spend the evening with you all! (Thanks for the pic too Candi - - I had to steal it off your blog! - - I didn't get any pics! Grrr!)

My 2 little daycare cuties Kaeden & Kennedy stopped over with their Mommy, Jill for a visit and brought over presents as well! :) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It was great getting to visit and see your kiddos Jill! Here is a picture of the Malloy's with Drew!! -- Kaeden is a little pro at holding Drew!! :)
We have had our neighbors bringing meals and gifts, friends & family stopping by and tons of cards and gifts in the mail... THANK YOU so much to everyone!!! It's great to have such wonderful friends and family! :)

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Nice pictures! SUPER CUTE! Kaeden and Kennedy are dolls and they are so sweet with Drew! Thanks for posting the pics! Gotta stop over and see how much he's changed again