Thursday, April 1, 2010

Swim Lessons

The boys started their swim lessons last Thursday... and they are having a BLAST!! :) Both boys LOVE LOVE LOVE to swim and we are so excited to have them in lessons! We had wanted to get Parker started earlier but it never seemed to work out with our schedule... he is jumping right in and learning fast so I think he will be just fine! :) He did GREAT on his first night... here is a look!

Here is Parker jumping into the 13'6" pool... without fear!! He did AWESOME!!! :) We were so proud of him! The first time he jumped with the instructor and then on his own!

Then there is Owen... he is LOVING getting to swim and has a GREAT instructor too (Daniel)! He gets a little fearful when he has to float on his back... but other than that he is doing so well! :)
This week (tonight) went even better... they both are doing so well! :)

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