Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day at the Hamann's

It is a yearly tradition to go to Nina and Papa Hamann's house on Christmas morning and have cinnamon rolls for breakfast!!! So after the boys opened presents at our house we all loaded up and headed to the Hamann's! :) This year Nina and Papa even had BACON (all of my boys' FAVORITE) so they were pretty excited!!!

After breakfast on to presents...
Nina and Papa always pick out the BEST presents... and the boys always LOVE all of them!! :) 


Owen got his remote helicopter he has been asking for for MONTHS!!! :) 

AND... A NEW BIKE!!! WOOHOO!! We had one excited boy here!!! :)

After presents we had our Christmas dinner... and it was AMAZING!!! Nina did prime rib this year... and it was so good! After dinner she made a homemade icecream cake which was delicious as well!! We all visited and played for a bit until Parker begged to go home and get started on all of his new Legos that he got from Nina and Papa!!! I am happy to report... they are all put together!!! :) He LOVES legos!! :)

THANK YOU for all of the wonderful gifts... we hope everyone had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Looks like you all had an amazing Christmas! I need to get Owen something!! Fill me in on what he likes! Thanks Lori!!
happy new year!