Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Busy Weekend

Another weekend has come and gone... and I have no pictures! We had a great weekend... lots going on! Friday Nick and his cousin Ryan took Hallie and Parker to the Waukee football game (the kids' FIRST one)! They stayed until half time... and had a pretty good time. Parker says next time he would like to stay for the WHOLE game (I am thinking that could only happen with a REALLY GOOD nap beforehand)! :) While they were at the game Candi, Reese, Owen and I headed to the mall to play and have an ice cream treat! It was fun getting to chat and chase our kids! :) - - there are a few photos on Candi's sight.... http://ladwigs.blogspot.com/!

Then Saturday morning we went on the MEMORY WALK with Meredith and her family and friends in memory of her dad! (I had to steal a photo from her sight... but you can read more about it and see some more photos on her blog: http://mereandjonny.blogspot.com/). We were so glad we were able to go this year and hope to be able to in the future too!! - - LOVE YA MERE... glad you had such a good turn out and it was a GREAT day for it! :)

After the walk, Nick helped Ryan with some wiring things around their house and we spent some time with Candi and the girls and then headed home to get some things done around the house. Then we all got to have dinner at Ryan and Candi's... Seafood Lasagna - YUM!!! It was DELICIOUS... thank you!!! I am going to need that recipe!
Sunday we had a few errands to run and then hung out at home... watched some t.v. and got a little of our fall decor out.
It was such a nice weekend... and the weather was great! I love those weekends!! :)

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