Sunday, September 7, 2008


On Saturday night we went to Meredith's (Owen's Godmother) 30th birthday party at Jimmy's American Cafe in West Des Moines! It was a SURPRISE party for Mere thrown by Jonny... sooo sweet!! For her birthday he had this GREAT party and booked them a trip to FLORIDA!!! What a GREAT guy!!! :) It was a GREAT party... it was great to see some familiar faces and of course getting to visit with Shar, Monica and Adam, and the birthday girl Meredith and Jonny was a hoot!!! It was sooo funny... one of the waiters there was Andrew Georgopolis from Battle Creek - how fun is that??? We sat and chatted with him for a bit too!! :)

Uncle Dan, Aunt Kim, Caroline and Grace all came to stay with the boys... THANK YOU!!!! :) The boys had a great time too!!! :)

I just got a couple of photos from the night...

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Lor! Thanks for the cute post. Thanks so much for coming to the party! I was sooo glad you were able to come!!! you guys are great friends to us :) We love you!!!
Jonny did an amazing job at surprising me...and a trip to Florida :) here I come!!! Thanks again lady!! xoxox